090623 - Middle and Senior Orientations092223 - E-Week092623 - U14 Girls' Basketball092923 - Orange Shirt Day100423 - Miyawaki Forest Planting101223 - U13 Boys' Soccer101823 - Grade 6 BAP101823 - Grade 6 Archaeology111523 - Fall Awards120823 - Biodiversity Expo122023 - Winter Games012424 - ALIVE Outdoors020124 - U14 Boys' Basketball020924 - Middle School Archaeology Presentation020924 - Elevate Gore Park Fundraiser022824 - Into The Woods040324 - Winter Awards040824 - Space Expo041524 - Digital Citizen Skills Workshops050224 - Paper Plane Aeronautics051624 - Mile Run060624 - History Fair060724 - House Track & Field061024 - Grade 8 Dance061224 - TreStelle Recipe Winners061224 - 5-7 Awards and CC061224 - Grade 8 Grad