090723 - First Day of School092923 - Orange Shirt Day100523 - Turkey Trot100523 - House Cross Country102023 - Chapel110923 - Remembrance Day Ceremony111723 - Trojan For A Day112523 - Winterfest120923 - Gore Park Community Outreach121423 - St. Matthew's House Fundraiser122123 - Carol Service020824 - Hot Jazz On A Cold Night020924 - Lunar New Year021324 - Head of College and Principal for a Day021424 - Pink The Rink021524 - Fit For Heart022324 - Chapel022724  -In Conversation with Lawrence Hill022824 - Pink Shirt Day030524 - Head of College and Principal for a Day031324 - March Break Camps040824 - Solar Eclipse041724 - Staff Appreciation Breakfast042224 - Earth Day042624 - Chapel051324 - Music Showcase051424 - Gore Park Ribbon Cutting051024 - Pep Rally051124 - Spring Fair052924 - Last Chapel060324 - Pride Flag Raising070424 - Blue Jays